Saturday, May 4, 2013

Your Remarkable Story

"Once you start... then you'll start to recognize..." As I was organizing all the fun gadgets and buttons I wanted to place on my blog, I started talking about blogging with some of my roommates. The discussion started out with a bit of a negative connotation specifically toward how weird it is that a 22 year old college kid from a small po dunk town would start blogging. Of course, my reasons for starting the blog were completely justifiable. As a communications major it's completely appropriate to get acquainted with the tools that people in the particular field are now beginning to lean on more and more in our ever evolving Internet based society. After having talked some sense into my heckling roommates, one of them expressed simply, their thoughts on why they had never started a blog, "I guess I just never thought my life was interesting enough to blog about." said Mike, and that's when I started to think. I remembered the experience that I had while serving my mission. Every day, or at least every week, I made an effort to record the events of my life in my journal. Obviously as a missionary I was bound to have some exciting experiences, like getting mugged or chased by dogs, but I recognized that as I wrote in my journal, I began to notice the little everyday things that we often take for granted or quickly forget and, yet, have an honorable mention in our lives. The single explanation for having such discoveries could only have come from beginning to seek out those moments that set the remarkable apart from the mundane. After my brief reminiscence I turned to Mike and I said, "I guess that's another reason why I've started blogging, once you start blogging then you start to recognize the interesting moments of your life, and you'll probably start trying to find more things to make your life interesting." after a short pause, mike shrugged and said "I guess that makes sense" then our conversation fizzled to a stop, leaving me to continue pondering my own statement. Looking back now at the time I started blogging, my life has become more interesting because it has motivated me too seek remarkable opportunities, a concept that reminds me of the hilarious movie Yes Man. There are far more opportunities to experience here in this world than you will ever have the capacity to undertake  It's time to start your remarkable story. You don't have to blog, you don't have to share it with the world, but its out there, so start looking for it and perhaps when you find it than write about it!

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